Sunday, August 27, 2006

Does Europe have a Will to Fight

I was following the story about French Peace keeping forces a la Multinational Force.France wants to lead with 2000 men, where Germany said it wont provide combat troops ( but may provide non-cmabt support personnel(mostly cook and wash personnel) no offense intended to these professions by the way)) and additional troops would materialse from Thin air.About this whole drama Israel has not made a single official comment but no doubt they will be watching with keen interest. To me it looks like Israel wanted this war to stop due to some strategic reason and that they are dependent on the European non combatants is not something that is believable.The question that comes first to my mind is "Are the Europeans Capable of fighting anymore?" (Please exclude the British, thank heavens, they can and will continue to fight :)). About 60 years ago, if somebody would think of the German army the Bundeswehr or the French army,it would instill fear and respect, but today when somebody talks about them, they look much weaker than their police forces and nobody takes them seriously anymore.What has changed in the last 60 years to make "the Central European tribe" to be unable to fight?Its a very complicated question,I can give two standard loony left arguments,The Europeans dont fight anymore because of the EU, nationalism and patriotism is not something that is encouraged hence...,the other loony left argument is Europeans have seen too much of bloodshed and damage in the two world wars....,implying that they attained some kind of enlightenment.Both these arguments belong to the Trash bin,everybody knows this but the loony left as usual is self delusional :) For one Nationalism and Patriotism necesarily does not make one fight, so if one is patriotic he/she also a blood thirsty warrior? If there are no nationalists/patriots who will then protect the "Tribe", because history shows that every "Tribe" that has been successful are the ones that have members who are ready to make the ultimate sacrifice when needed with the intention that their martyrdom will enusre continuity of their tribe. I have seen a statement engraved on a martyrs memorial for the Indian Army,It in fact changed the way i see the world the words were so full of meaning it said "They Gave up their present for your future".The enlightenment argument is equally loony, the eurpeans might have been enlightened to an extent that they might not in the future fight amongst themselves, but to say that they will not stand together to fight to confront a common enemy arises is mischeovous to say the least.What then is "Real" reason(s) as to why a 480 million strong EU cannot put together a 15000 member force, (The funny part about this, nobody in the world in fact asked them, they just poked their nose somebodys business).To Get an answer to this question, we must get an answer to another fundamental question, "Why do men(Not sexual) fight?" Yes have we ever thought about it, Man has been fighting since the days of evolution,so much so that "Aggression" is built in into our DNA, how much ever we deny ourselves we are all "Animals" unless you dont belive in evolution(Which i agree is quite complex and requires too much of grey matter) and start to belive in the theory of "Creationism" as perpetuated by the Loony right.We are a kind of animal that lives in groups, by rules made by the group for the entire.Our group is the Tribe and our rules over the years has become "culture" or "Tradition" or even in some cases Way of life, its so embedded in us along with our biological stuff, that sometimes we see our tribe and "our" is synonymous with commanality in "Culture". As members of the Tribe we are concerned about the "Continuity" of our culture. This has played along for eons and thats the reason why our planet is "Multiculural" .The answer to the question "Why we fight?" lies here, Ask yourself the question When will you (I mean the reader of this article) pick up a gun and kill somebody either in self defense or as an act of aggression? Scary to imagine yourself picking up a gun, dont worry I will put you through a simple hypothetical test and by the end of this test you will probably disvover why the Europeans dont and cant fight.Imagine that you are part of Tribe, Tribe A and then there is another Tribe call it Tribe B,and in this hypothetical world these two tribes co-exist, though never friendly to the other, but kind of grudging existence, also assume that the "Cultures" of Tribes A and B are completely different and each of member of the Tribe firmly believes the fact that he is somehow superior and that given half a chance, he/she will either Kill or convert the member(s) of the other Tribe.Hypothetical Case A:Imagine your self to be the head of a family with possibly one or more female partners and a number of children of varying ages and that you live somewhere along an imaginary border with Tribe "B". Hypothetical case B:You are head of a family of two with the other being your "partner" of either sex.The remaining conditions remain same.Assume that at sometime the "Truce" between the tribes is broken and you and your family are threatend by some members of Tribe B. During this standoff you know you have three choices, Choice 1 :you fight and go down, taking down with you a few members of Tribe B,(You become a martyr for Tribe A, as Tribe A can surive and continue due to your sacrifice and as per your wish Your Childern(the next generation will continue your "Culture").Choice 2: You fight and survive but lose your Children,but you stiill have won because you still have the chance to preserve your Tribe by having more children.Choice 3: You dont fight, or refuse to fight make a kind of a deal that will just postpone your death(and so the death of your tribe) by a few years.Your choice will depend upon your circumstances.Europe always chooses the logical choice 3 because, it knows there is no future with its dwindling birthrates.May be 50 to 60 years from now most(if not all) european languages will be spoken only in heaven and hell( I am being even handed).America and UK with Birthrates above the 2.0 mark hence tend to think differently,They know that they have a future generation waiting to takeover and the present generation has to make sacrifices to ensure a smooth continuity and preservation of the so called "western values".Now you why 480 million europeans cant put together a fighting force of 15000 men.P.S. By the time i finished this piece due EU moved to promise 6000 men (How much capable they are of fighting begs question, but....)Give a thought and let me know them......

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Seeking Victimhood.

I followed the grand letter written by "Prominent" Muslims to PM Blair, where they talk about everything other than what is needed, while the contents of the letter are completely insignificant, the important thing is to notice is that more and more Muslims who tend to speak both for themselves and also for the community are claiming a false sense of victim hood, they claim to be victims of racial abuse, and claim that because of the fact that they are Muslims they seem to under perform the rest of the society!!!!. I would have easily bought the story if I were a member of the self delusionary loony left but being a pragmatist I simply cannot see any point in their aggrieved sense of victim hood.
Britain has a history of integrating foreigners, in fact Indians (I mean here per dominantly Hindus and Sikhs) and also other non-Muslim communities have done extremely well and to prove that this was not a flash in the pan, the second generation of the above mentioned groups have excelled in all fields. On the other side the immigrants from Eastern Europe and to some extent even immigrants from Africa tend to do well.
What then are the Muslim groups saying is that the British white people(The natives so to say), oh I am being so politically wrong here "Natives" must NOT be used to describe indienous white populations, its a word that can be used by whites against non-whites only!!!, selectively discriminate against Pakistanis and Bangladeshis and provide better for Hindus , Anybody would be surprised to know.
When the london bombing took place the same gentlemen claimed that Economic backwardness among the Muslims was the cause, now the cause seems to be British Foreign policy (100$ for guessing correctly the next cause after perhaps the next incident of violence), the most silly reason being bandied out is that Britain did not call for an "Immediate cessation of Hostilities in Lebanan". This statement actually makes Margaret Beckett seem like the premier of Israel rather than the British Foreign secretary implying that had she called for cessation, Hezbollah and Israel would simply stop fighting!!!!, Can we get more dimwitted.
In the short run a writers from the loony left ably supported by the Guardian newspaper could agree with these dimwits.
The least these dimwits could have done was to fake a silence so that they don’t cause more insult to those Muslims who know the truth but are simply afraid to speak and stop looking like a bunch of cartoon characters.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Sharia in Britain

Yes reading todays Independent considering the fact that Tony Blair is being weakend by the hour by his own party and the Extreme left wing of Labour getting an upper hand, I wont be surprised if this becomes a reality by the next election. watch this space

High security cover for temples on Janmashtami

Can there be a bigger Joke!!!, Who do you think will come and attack innocent temple going Hindus? IRA? LTTE? Bader Meinhf? Left wing rebels from the Banana Repulics? none of them are in India, in India we have Hindus (Who dont have a habit of even effectively defending themselves to talk of killing) and the people who practice Islam "Religion of Peace" and somebody is talking about security, what a shame.

Independence day "Plea"

Another Independence day came about and went, the PM went up and down the Red fort as usual said something completely irrelevant as everyother PM has done over the last 58 years.
But this is the first PM in history to have openly indicated his utter impotence by making a "Plea" to Pakistan to Stop Terrorism on its soil.
Just follow the events, A week after the Blasts in Mumbai, The Congress Partys handpicked Spy Master M.K.Narayanan goes on record to say he(implies the government) sees a paki hand in the blasts.
The usual noise makers join in and United States gets angry that "their bastard" has been targetted and sends along Marc Boucher to "rectify Indias view of Paki hand in Bombings".
A month later the PM goes on the Red fort addresses the nation and makes a the "Plea". For explanation Plea is a legal & respectable term for Beggary.
This PM is known for his integrity, at least he should have told the countrymen in clear terms,that he and his government are completely impotent and incapable of protecting the civilian population. He would have earned my respect and a lot of admirers,instead when I think of him as our PM i feel ashamed.

As my first posting,I would like to introduce this blog where you can find some interesting comments on daily happenings both mundane and the not so mundane and also a review of all secular and politicallly correct reporting and the non secular and politicallly not correct reporting from around the world. Me being from India, postings generally take a distinctivly Indian(Hindu) view as oppsed to a more generic "south asian" or "Indian" view. :) enjoi the fun.