Seeking Victimhood.
I followed the grand letter written by "Prominent" Muslims to PM Blair, where they talk about everything other than what is needed, while the contents of the letter are completely insignificant, the important thing is to notice is that more and more Muslims who tend to speak both for themselves and also for the community are claiming a false sense of victim hood, they claim to be victims of racial abuse, and claim that because of the fact that they are Muslims they seem to under perform the rest of the society!!!!. I would have easily bought the story if I were a member of the self delusionary loony left but being a pragmatist I simply cannot see any point in their aggrieved sense of victim hood.
Britain has a history of integrating foreigners, in fact Indians (I mean here per dominantly Hindus and Sikhs) and also other non-Muslim communities have done extremely well and to prove that this was not a flash in the pan, the second generation of the above mentioned groups have excelled in all fields. On the other side the immigrants from Eastern Europe and to some extent even immigrants from Africa tend to do well.
What then are the Muslim groups saying is that the British white people(The natives so to say), oh I am being so politically wrong here "Natives" must NOT be used to describe indienous white populations, its a word that can be used by whites against non-whites only!!!, selectively discriminate against Pakistanis and Bangladeshis and provide better for Hindus , Anybody would be surprised to know.
When the london bombing took place the same gentlemen claimed that Economic backwardness among the Muslims was the cause, now the cause seems to be British Foreign policy (100$ for guessing correctly the next cause after perhaps the next incident of violence), the most silly reason being bandied out is that Britain did not call for an "Immediate cessation of Hostilities in Lebanan". This statement actually makes Margaret Beckett seem like the premier of Israel rather than the British Foreign secretary implying that had she called for cessation, Hezbollah and Israel would simply stop fighting!!!!, Can we get more dimwitted.
In the short run a writers from the loony left ably supported by the Guardian newspaper could agree with these dimwits.
The least these dimwits could have done was to fake a silence so that they don’t cause more insult to those Muslims who know the truth but are simply afraid to speak and stop looking like a bunch of cartoon characters.
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